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AI-Powered Explorer Guide

The ultimate companion for exploring new cities with ease and excitement!

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UI of LetsGo Map and AI Planner
Logo of LetsGo app.
LetsGo AI Planner UI

AI Explorer

Say goodbye to uncertainty when visiting a new city and have LetsGo handle the planning by harnessing the power of our intelligent AI Explorer to effortlessly discover new experiences tailored just for you and your friends.

Experience Map

Find the best nearby experiences when exploring a new city for all occasions, such as date night, happy hours, birthdays or friendly get-togethers with our interactive map. Available across the largest cities nationwide like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Nashville, Las Vegas, Minneapolis and more!

LetsGo interactive map UI
Screenshot of the LetsGo messaging interface

Share, Message, Plan

Easily share your discoveries with friends and family, message and coordinate your plans directly within the app.

Great Planning App

My friends and I love to get out and do new things and this app has given us great ideas and makes planning so much easier! We all totally recommend it.

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Download button that leads to Let's Go's Apple app store page.
Download button that leads to Let's Go's Google Play Store page.
Friendly app UI/UX
Friendly app logo

New to town or simply eager to meet new like-minded individuals, making new friends has never been easier with the Friendly app!

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